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Former Student
Jun 27, 2023

Would not send my worst enemy here

They used to be okay but since covid they’ve went so downhill it isn’t funny. I left at the end of my 9th year (in 2021) because mentally I could not continue with them.
My student advisor repeatedly verbally abused me over the phone when she was working at home for being “rebellious and lazy” since I was trying to request to drop some subjects as I could not finish them all (I did the math on them actually; and to finish the minimum hours for each subject I would have needed to do 8 hours of work each day; which, living on a farm; just wasn’t going to happen, as I needed to be outside to do work as soon as possible) when I told her I was wanting the paperwork to sign out of school she refused to give it to me and said I couldn’t leave until year 11.
Many of the teachers wouldn’t show up for their virtual lessons; in fact a history teacher once took 6 weeks off without informing the class or sending us any work to do over that period; and then proceeded to tell us off after she got back for not being on the virtual class waiting and not getting anything done(not sure how she got that idea since she didn’t send us anything to do in the first place) when the whole class had been wondering what happened for the last 6 weeks.
The school implemented “maths pathways” in my last year which was the most idiotic and absurd math program I or anyone I’ve showed it to has seen/heard of. They made all students begin at year 1 level and work their way up for “gap analysis” which I get but it was ridiculous as there was still WEEKS of each grades work even if you passed with flying colours.
Not to mention you had to write the question and the answer on paper as it wasn’t built for answering on the program itself which about tripled the time it took. And you could click to see the answer anyways so it was completely pointless as it didn’t stop cheating in the least.

There was also an instance of a rumour being started about me doing “inappropriate things” with another girl in the dorm which apparently several parents got an email over (not sure how true this is but I was sent pictures of it)and when one called to ask the names of the students involved they allegedly told her outright that it was myself and another student. When this happened I was 11 or maybe just barely 12; the other student was about 16; I will admit she did kiss me; which I did not reciprocate as I was uncomfortable &looking back is really gross with the age gap and even though this rumour was saying we apparently went the full nine yards and shagged in the dorm or some bs not even ONE teacher asked me if I was alright. There was also several male students with rumours about them inappropriately touching female students but again absolutely nothing was done to ensure students safety.

There is so so much more wrong with this school but I would run out of time in my day if I even attempted to write about it all.
Myall Street, 2830, Dubbo
Debbie Murray
02 5804 7000

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