
Based on 3 reviews and 27 answers
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Former Student
Mar 11, 2023

hshs sucks bum

i used to school here, i was treated so bad by peers and got into trouble most days for stepping up for myself. the school does nothing for students who are struggling with getting mobbed or bullied, but seem like the staff laugh in their faces and flick it off their shoulders. staff more like student services who do nothing at all for students with needed attention. the school needs to be in check. although there are some funny teachers and mates that get you through the 6 exhausting hours, i think that when a student complains about something, it should be dealt better and handled properly.
Feb 10, 2023

the school is shit

the school is terrible abouslutley no structure the school is very old and has to many kids for the school and they only open 1 toilet which has 3 cupicals at recess and lunch time for over 1000 kids
Former Student
Feb 7, 2023

Fights at Hedland senior high school

There is almost a fight everyday, when you see half the school move to one side in big groups you know that there is going to be a fight
78 Hamilton Road, 6722, South Hedland
Janine Keall
08 9172 8000

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