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Mar 20, 2023

Schools should actually consider students health.

The school can pay for new buildings to be built. The school can pay for speakers to come in and talk about health, both mental and physical. The school can afford to pay their teachers. But they can’t afford good air conditioning.
As someone with various health issues, having to sit in the same classroom for two hours (as I have two classes in the same room, most of the time one after the other) with no air conditioning makes it hard to focus and hard to breathe. It’s so hot and stuffy, yet the school has not don’t anything about it even after multiple emails and requests to get the AC fixed.
They also bring in many public speakers to talk about mental health, then prioritise school work over the thing they are trying to tell us is more important.
Australian schools are awful.
Don’t even get me started on the fact that you can get assaulted, and they’ll say that there isn’t anything they can do about it. Saying that based on multiple personal experiences.
Former Student
Feb 14, 2023

Awful school

Literally awful, everyone I know who went there agrees it is probably the worst place to go for school, they do not care about you, your mental health will decline, there's a lot of nasty people there, had a teacher a few years back who spent half the class time bragging about how she bullied a student into suicidal thoughts and then called her attention seeking when her mother came in to have a word, there was a teacher who got the kids to do n*zi salutes at the beginning of class, there were a fair amount of old male teachers who multiple young girls had experienced uncomfortable behavior from, myself included, there was a school psychologist who threatened to out my friend as trans to their extremely homophobic family, the same school psych forced me to go to class after I begged her not too because was getting bullied and she told me in was all in my head, I had friends who'd come to me after class upset because the teachers were being directly homophobic and transphobic towards them, the students can be pretty horrible as well but that can be the case at any school, however I wish kshs had actually done something about the horrific bullying instead of just ignoring it, I now have diagnosed PTSD from my experience at that School, I literally beg you not to send your kid here, it really isn't worth it
12 Cotherstone Road, 6076, Kalamunda
Helen Deacon
08 9293 6400

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