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Sep 3, 2023

Not a very great school.

The teachers don't particularly care about you except for a very small number. The relief teachers will not do anything especially Miss Stone, she sits on her phone playing bubble pop games, has been reported many times but the school does nothing. Most of the teachers also put alot of time into the people that don't want help and won't listen to them, while others in the class struggle.
Programs available are hard to properly understand just form the title, for example: Design and 3d jewellery, the class name suggests it is a mainly design based class, but most of the designs are pre made, you just have to actually make the jewellery.
The principle has recently change, and with him come new horrible ideas, like the most prominent idea of automatic bathroom locks, locking people out of the bathroom during class time. When someone needs to go they have to run across the school to get a key sign it out, then go to the bathroom, come back, and sign it in, meaning more time out of class.
The student at the school also are very hard to deal with, plenty of homophobia and transpohobia aswell as some racism amount students.
Jul 22, 2023

The worst school

The school is terrible they demand things from students who try there hardest with things there is no pride and respect for anyone to eachother the new principle is a wreck trying to put differences and “diversity “ but the hass department and sport teachers are sexiest and homophobic to all there students
Former Student
Jun 26, 2023

Yeah it’s okay

Silly school, such a silly school but not to bad.
Jun 25, 2023


🤞🌸 hope this gets read

I go there now it’s pretty good nice teachers and nice selection of subjects definitely the farm I think there should be tho more updated books in the library and since it’s winter I think we should be able to wear whatever pants we like of colour choice because as long as we where the school top it should be fine
Notice kids are struggling from year 7 upwards and talk to them about it to make sure there is no learning difficulties that have been missed so every kid gets a chance to learn
Jun 25, 2023

Could be worse but still not great

Teachers care more if your wearing the wrong uniform than if your struggling in class. The students arnt great and the fights are getting worse with younger years. Most the teachers dont know how to teach or control a class except for a small bunch on teachers. The music department is alright now that one of the teachers left but there is still alot of pressure put on the music students. With the new principle he has let the school get worse. He would rather spend money on new uniforms and new signs to make the school look "better" instead of putting it towards the education or technology. And personally i think the new uniform ideas look worse than the uniform we have now. Canteen has pretty good food but always packed and crowded because too many people are let in at a time.
Jun 25, 2023

Bathrooms and Homophobic Adgenda

Within the school there are many kids who are transgender and that is fine. They get their own toilet which is also fine. What is not fine is that while the rest of us must go to the gel centre to unlock a toilet with a special key card. They all get their own. It feels like they are being treated differently than us. I am an ally but what I don’t stand for is special treatment because they are in the transgender community. Straight people, gay people, whoever, do not get special treatment like this. I know they have gone through hard times but the school is not inclusive of everyone, they favour these kids. I don’t want to put them down but if they get key cards, we should too. It’s unfair. I am a good student and don’t get a key card. Some of them use their opportunity of the key card to smoke privately in the toilet too. My point is why should another person be treated any differently from me? Why is it that because they are part of the LGBTQ+ community (but the LGBQ+ don’t get a key card) that they can have special treatment? They’re basically asking for a lawsuit and it is ridiculous that they ask everyone to treat each other fairly when they don’t even treat their own students fairly. Why can’t they get their own key card from the gel centre like the rest of us and still go to that toilet. Why do they get their own?
I understand that we can’t be trusted with our own key cards because the toilets always have graffiti, but they’re always going to have graffiti. Not to mention one of my transgender friends is known in the school for graffiti and no doubt has done it in all the bathrooms because I’ve seen them in every single one. They don’t feel like a girl and still go in the girls ones. They don’t feel like going in theirs because it is “too far away” but I know they’ve been in there. They go into the boys one too. If they identify as a boy they should go into their own or the boys one. Not the girls one. They take their key card for granted and don’t use it as a privilege. I would bring this up to the school but they see it as “the transgender kids never do any wrong” which is false because I’ve seen at least 5 of them vape in there and graffiti the walls of the entire school.
If I bring this up though, I am seen as “homophobic.”
Why should they get special treatment when they are supposed to be our “equals”? Why does the school preach that it is a safe space, yet excludes the kids who don’t identify anywhere in the LGBTQ+? Why should I have to suffer and be treated unfairly because someone identifies as something else that isn’t their biological anatomy? Why?

Also the indoor classrooms are horrible. As a student the desk legs are always broken so the desks wobble making it hard to write. The chairs are uncomfortable and break way too easily.

Let’s get to the outdoor areas. THESE ARE EVEN WORSE. Why on earth do they not have shady or sheltered spots for people to sit? School is mostly in winter because we have a 6 week summer break. As an upper school student the only place for is is the tiny veranda outside gel to sit at but can only fit 30-45 max students. When I moved spots to see if I can go elsewhere there was no where. The only shady spots or out of the rain spots are either close to teachers staff rooms to which they come out and tell us to be quiet or out of bounds. WE ARE CHILDREN, in a school we are legally required to have a place to rest for 50 minutes of our day. Not be yelled at by teachers because it’s the only option is the winter not to get wet and only option in the summer to not contract skin cancer on our bodies due to the sun. Why put us through such torture?

The school does not care about safety and well-being of its students. They care more about uniforms and phones then they do bullying and shelter for us.
Jun 25, 2023

It’s a good school

I think this school is quite good if you have good teachers and better friends. The school as a whole is a little average but it is being changed and improved on. While my experience there has been better than most it all revolves around you and what you choose to make the school and if your willing to give it a chance. The new principal is very cool and is doing some good improvements around the school and he also won’t tell you off for being on your phone unlike other teachers. What makes the school seem so bad is the way students treat the school like is a piece of shit and don’t know how to respect the things they are provided with.
Jun 5, 2023

Fix the shithole

I can’t go to the fucking toilet at all because it’s always locked and I go to block one and the people say there are locked because of students that vandalised it deal with it
May 4, 2023

Its fine.

Look Kelmscott has been known for not having a great reputation but with a new principal in charge things are turning around. There is so much else that is needed to be done to make it better but apart from that Kelmscott is great school, the teachers and staff will bend over back for you to give an amazing schooling especially the student service team.
Former Student
May 1, 2023

Not a good choice

Went through that school myself, and a friend's daughter as well more recently. Has a horrible weed and vape addiction epidemic. Locks on bathroom doors are easily bypassed and smoking happens frequently.

Administration also does little to nothing about bullying and when fights occur, both kids are suspended no questions asked and the victim is often screwed over.

Educationally, things arent much better. Teachers are rude and will not change their ways no matter how much a child may need it. This is appalling, especially considerint how many kids have ADD, ADHD or others attributes that might affect thr way they take in knowledge.

There are very few and far between good teachers here.Very disappointing and I wouldn't send your kids here.
Feb 24, 2023

fine ig, don't come if you can do anything to avoid it

The school is pretty bad especially for more academically inclined students, there aren't many good resources as they are 1) terribly and unequally managed and 2) don't have much money put towards them as the school receives like the bare minimum of government funding for public schools, possibly less. That's not to say you can't do well at this school though, there are many students with exceptional wace scores or early uni admissions, they just do well DESPITE the school and not because of it (important distinction). School experience will just generally suck so watch out. There's literally asbestos in the roofs for some reason and its like common knowledge, plus the school is literally falling apart with broken windows and collapsing ceiling lmao 💀. Honestly if nothing else, the school will give you a great sense of humour.
At least bullying isn't a problem if you just mind your business and don't start anything with other people, unlike some other schools (👀). basically the only benefit.
final tip: don't look under any tables in the entire science department you could start a whole gum factory from it 🤢
Former Student
Feb 11, 2023

Kshs is trash

Trash school teachers rather yell at you and send you out for nothing than actually do their job it isn’t a good learning environment for people with learning difficulty’s like adhd or add cause apparently it just an excuse, students and teachers are allowed to get away with racism and sexual harassment most of the time personally have been called out for my ethnicity aswell as my brother, family and friends. have also dealt with being touched by teachers without my consent, uniforms are shit and really overpriced same with the canteen food and the curriculum teachers just don’t teach
Feb 8, 2023

i hste school

i hste this school, its sucks and it literslly makes me wsnt to claw my eyes out.

the teschers and classes ans people are shit and its so bsd man.
Feb 4, 2023

All of, mostly science

The education is poor aswell ad most of the teachers

Majority of the teachers don't teach and care more about uniform than education.
Feb 2, 2023

It's an alright school.

There are some really great teachers and others who you don't learn very much from. Majority lf the students are nice, but you still get the bunch of them that ruin it for the rest of us. It has a good art and music program with nice people and good teachers. From what i have heard the soccer program is good as well. Overall its quite an average school some people love it some people hate it.
Cnr Third Avenue & Cammillo Roads, 6111, Kemscott
Trevlyn Geiles
08 9495 7400

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