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Former Student
Jul 26, 2023

If you care about your child, send them somewhere else.

I spent six years at that school and hated almost every second of it. Racism, sexism and homophobia are incredibly prevalent, towards students and teachers too. None of the staff know how to handle it, some even worsening it by defending the perpetrators. Multiple students have passed away due to bullying and harassment, and every time you tell a teacher, their response ends in shaming you for not fitting the norm, even if you aren’t breaking any school rules by doing so.

This is a school that cares more about the colour of your socks than your actual education, and will pull all female students aside to harass them for “distracting the boys” when the uniform skirts are made to be very short.

A lot of the teachers are incompetent and teach incorrect information, especially in regards to sex ed and HSIE subjects. If you are a minority in any way, this school will not care about you and if you get harassed by students or teachers, they will make it out to be your own fault.

There are a few teachers who are great at teaching, but a lot of the time they don’t know how to prevent problem students from harassing their classmates and distracting from work.
Former Student
May 15, 2023

f you can go to a better school, do it.

If you can go to a better school, do it.
My experience with most HSC teachers was good, particularly in the HSIE, English and Science department. However mathematics was a genuine hell scape.
If you can muster up the money and send your kids to some form of private or government selective school, your kid will end up likely better educated with a better school experience.

First, with positivity. The head teacher of english is a godsend to this school. She is one of the best, most caring and passionate teachers who is constantly striving to be the best she can and do the best by her students. She is constantly supporting her students, and implements student feedback without holding any grudges or bad blood. She genuinely respects her students. Alongside this teacher, there is one biology teacher who is also a godsend for similar reasons.

For negatives, I had two teachers in maths giving me grief about my academic abilities. Instead of helping me or supporting me to achieve, they told me on numerous occasions to drop out of the course/s, once doing so in a dead silent, full classroom in which all students could hear what was being said and also pulling me out of classes to talk to me about my ineptitude, causing humiliation in both accounts. Considering there were students who were doing worse than me at this stage in the academic year who were treated with much more care, I believe my treatment may have been racially charged. This feeling of unwelcomeness continued throughout my time in these courses. These teachers were so unsupportive, i frequently experienced anxiety attacks before classes and to avoid being lectured about how slow i was in completing homework i would often leave books at home to avoid being checked on, as i felt unsafe and afraid to ask for needed support in this subject.

Bullying runs rampant, and teachers do not know how to adequately handle it. There has been tragedies due to this. The students are subpar themselves in most cases, smoking on school grounds, purposely vandalising bathrooms (which then are locked for extended periods of time, so, no one can use the bathrooms) and other school areas, and purposely disrespecting teachers. The school is also seemingly understaffed, and likely also underpaid, being a regional school. Unfortunately, this school is merely an example of the result our overall faulty education system.
May 6, 2023

Just why?

Half of the teachers are homophobic and choose not to call students by their chosen name. They don’t have AC and the fans a falling off the ceiling. One of the math teachers had to put a screw into one of the windows to keep it closed to stop kids throwing things through it. Kids are vaping in the bathrooms and the teachers don’t do anything about it. There are many kids in the hallways after the bells just walking around. Homophobic students.
The good part it the well-being peoples. They are amazing. Very kind and supporting. That is all
Former Student
Feb 4, 2023

Absolutely awful

There is a reason this school is so poorly rated and spoken harshly about, it’s an awful school. Any poor soul who had the unfortunate experience of attending lisarow high school will tell you the same.
2 The Ridgeway, 2250, Lisarow
Nicole Hunt
02 4328 4599

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