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Mar 20, 2024

The problem and solution

The main issues this school has with bullying, fighting and discrimination is all because of the major population of Arabs and fobs inside of mount Ridley. 9/10 they are the ones causing all the problems. Both groups are wannabe gangstas and think they are better than everyone. Not once do you see the white kids causing these problems. It is solely those 2 groups causing pure chaos and change needs to be made. A solution to this problem would be reducing the number of Arabs and fobs allowed to be enrolled into this school. Maybe even reduce the coloured kids as well, while also increasing the amount of proud Australian kids being allowed to enroll. Hopefully school leadership takes my outstanding idea and puts it to use. Thanks for your time everyone xx
Mar 8, 2024

Worst school

This school is disgraceful. The constant bullying and teachers doing absolutely nothing about it. The teachers gaslighting parents and the overall filth of this place is disgusting. Dont bother trying to talk to the principle, no matter how much you request to speak to him, they wont allow it. This school is the worst I've ever laid my eyes on. Wish I could give 0 stars
Jul 3, 2023

Generally bad school

This school has some good qualities, but A LOT of bad ones to contrast.

Child 1:
He has told me that he is scared to talk to the ‘Team Leaders’ because they don’t provide a well thought out system. As said by my child, “They waste too much time stopping the bad kids and that makes all of them hard to talk to”. He also complains about a lack of kind teachers, or a lack of teachers in general. (I will touch on this later) I know that he is an average kid, but he seems to have rude teachers and classmates. He once told me about his friend snapping all of his pencils and pens while he went to the bathroom, and the teacher not doing anything about it and gave my son a caution and not his friend?!

Child 2:
She is a very good kid, and I get lots of calls from her teachers about her good work. But she still seems to ‘hate’ everything about this school. As far as I know, nobody has put her in danger at this school, but her teachers overload her with homework. I saw my daughter once texting to her friends that she can’t call with them because she has to finish her homework. She also complains about how the teachers are definitely not cut out to be teachers, and the school seems to be desperate.

Child 3:
He constantly complains about everything regarding this school you could possibly think of while we drive home. The assessments, homework, canteen prices, teachers, annoying classmates, you name it. And he isn’t that bad of a kid! His reports are all averagely fine, and he doesn’t have much friends. He talks about the students and teachers especially. In contrast to the massive population of this school, there are little to no teachers at all. Mount Ridley is such a bad influence on my kids too. Child 1 had been bullied and pressured by his friends into cussing out a teacher and putting graffiti on the bathroom walls. What school would allow that to happen?

If you want my advice, if you have a choice, do not enrol your kids into this school, as it will ruin their sense of safety at school. Please do not harass any teachers or students though, as this is not fully their fault. This is mine and my kids story and i hope this has informed you.
Jun 11, 2023


This school is alright, teacher shortage is real bad though. English and math don’t have actuall teachers, and half the classes are covered by replacement teachers. Bullying is a real problem aswell.
Mar 10, 2023

Zero care factor for your child.

I’ve had 2 children at this school.

Child 1 - was sexuallly assault due to lack of supervision. The school “says” they take these matters seriously yet did nothing to correct thier error, just split them up. This child then spiralled the next year due to this and the school did nothing to assist with trying to help her.

Child 2 has learning difficulties due to a genetic abnormality they have. The school has literally done nothing to assist with support them or implemting ON GOING assistance. At the end of every year the teachers wash their hands and at the beginning of every year I’ve had to go through the same thing with the brand new mentor teacher and all the new teachers. No one reads notes. There’s no “hand over” it’s extremely stressful at the beginning of every year for pretty much the first half of the year.
There’s a strong lack of organisation when it comes to maintaining and monitoring students who have social and educational difficulties and these children fall through the gaps. There is no way my child should have progressed to year 10…. And yet here we are. The school has set them up to fail.
2-30 Hampton Street, 3064, Craigieburn
Lino Pagano
03 8338 3600

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