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Feb 28, 2023

Over rated, here's the reality

I didn't learn much and It was abit over-rated, playing in the grass was no fun we needed more stimulation as kids. Only the young kids would get to play in the playground and our only option was to play soccer with the boys who never welcomed us girls, we just sat in the shade because I remember the no hat no play. There was a bin of random objects like hula-hoops and balls but it was touched once and never again, I enjoyed sailing. I loved my teacher Daniel Beavan, he was what made this school really worth it. I suffered from intense panic attacks which I couldn't breathe and it only happened in school, I was embarrassed and misunderstood. I hated the rule that we couldn't drink of the public fountain when it was working well and wasn't being used, not everyone had a water bottle and the park is a public place so they couldn't install drinking taps. And yes no school clothes are great because they're not expensive but there is still a dress code and it's because they haven't settled on a school name yet. First Sandridge, Lumineer now Newmark. I miss Sandridge. I enjoyed debating in the teacher who was old and used to be a doctor, he scared me a little but that's to be expected as a anxious child. The teacher dan never scared me though, such a great teacher. I wish him well.
Oh and that other teacher she taught in Lumineer sadly I forgot her name but if she still works she deserved to be fired! she looked short and had dark hair, I'll need to poke around for more information, I can find her name. She told my friend that her brain wasn't capable to do the maths work that a group of doing, that broke my friend and she cried. She still thinks she's dumb till this day, the teacher apologised but it was more out of fear of loosing her job. I'm disappointed we didn't tell anyone because looking back on it now her apology wasn't good enough. She would look down on kids who were 'dumb' like me and my friend of course. Lately I've realised my actual capability.
So no this school does not bring out all the good and positive in your child, it teaches them sure but it's really not all that, and it's way too hyped up to be a fantastic school. It costs alot and I prefer my public school comparing by my experience. If anything it's below average because I reunited with some people who graduated there and they told me they got nothing out of it as well, it's even why one of the students who went there moved away (their now my friend).
However my experience was like 5 years ago maybe they changed for the better but when I tried to help them change for the better I was ignored by the principal. Ok another good thing was how indoor they used to have beanbags and cool chairs, that's all.
126-128 Nelson Pl, 3016, Williamstown

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