
Based on 5 reviews and 45 answers
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Former Student
Jul 4, 2023

Terrible school do not send your kids here!!

Most of the teachers are criminals, including pedos and rumours of them doing drugs. none of the support offered is consistent and asking for help is pretty much not an option. Most students are run around on all fours or stink. not a good place if you want a socially acceptable child.
Former Student
Apr 29, 2023

pretty shit

I've was tormented for my looks by insecure boys the entire time I went to this awful ass school. hallways always smell like vapes and i don't I've ever been bullied that much in my life. if you're special needs/neurodivergent DO NOT. go to this highschool. the teachers think everyone with autism is the same and treated us all like babies I'm glad i left
Former Student
Mar 27, 2023

Fk Riverside cunt

I hope it burns to the ground with everyone in it
Feb 26, 2023

Rating of Riverside high

57 fire alarms in one year, two when of in one day, while raining in the winter. Almost every time i went into a bathroom people were vaping or doing drugs. Food sucks, very few teachers are nice, lots of homophobia and transphobia. I'm nurodivergent and my need are not met whatsoever.
Former Student
Feb 23, 2023


i am an exstudent from riverside highschool. so are my brother and sister. this school has given all of my grade trauma and we all are completely clueless on how to continue after college. some things that happened in highschool. my maths teacher told everyone my test results which was not a very good result, he embarrassed me infront of my peers and made me feel stupid, he refused to apologise, he completely avoided the word. i have been brutally yelled at by teachers for doing normal things, i have been called stupid, my class mates have been called, "waste of space", "waste of milk" and many more names from our teachers over the 4 years we were there. one of the male teachers there was constantly making female students and even male students uncomfortable, he has a record of saying completely inappropriate things to students and he still is aloud to work at the school. we have been told we cannot use a certain bathroom and have been in detentions for going into the bathroom. the teachers have no respect for the kids that go there. i have been told that i should respect them but why would i respect someone that has never tried to gain my respect? i learnt absolutely nothing in grade 10 maths and i was completely disregarded for my learning disabilities. i have been put in a detention for saying "i have to go to work" to a teacher that was standing in the bus door way making us wait 10 minutes to get onto the bus and i mean brutally yelled at and harassed by him to the point his face was red. nobody should ever feel scared to say something to a teacher and nobody should feel alone in a highschool, one of the times in our lives that shapes us as humans and is the worst time of our lives from bullying to mental health and just being a teenager. i should not feel stupid for not understanding what is going on i should not be told by my teachers that i should ask the students around me what to do. it is not hard to he a considerate person and to be a professional teacher. every time my friends and i saw a teacher the only things that ran through our brains was "are they going to tell us off for something". everything was completely unfair and towards the end of grade 10 people were targeted by the teachers. half of my friends were getting internal suspensions for bring their skateboards to school and theyre leavers dinner was constantly being threatened to be taken off them. i only ever respect 3 teachers there out of the whole staff. i am absolutely disgusted that these things still happen to students there now. my parents have seen my mental health decline because of that place. there is no support system there and i hated my entire experience there. absolutely disgusting teachers.
354 West Tamar Road, 7250, Riverside
Natalie Odgers
03 6327 6333

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