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Jun 22, 2023

Shitty people shitty code of conduct

No one is really bad or mean physically but there’s lost of social bullying going on in this school, name calling, exclusion, bitchyness, talking behind peoples backs, everyone hates each other but pretends they’re best friends. Very judgemental/snobby students who complain about everything. Going on a fun excursion or camp? Kids complain about the things they can’t do like go buy food in public, can’t bring phone out, disregard teachers instructions, etc

But the students aren’t that bad, most are nice and respectful. The problem is with the helicopter parenting approach with teachers. Students close family dies? Unless the school sees them on the floor crying then it doesn’t matter. Diagnosed insomnia due to things out of their control like taking medication that keeps you up at night? Well too bad cause teachers make your life hell for it!

Talk once in an otherwise boring and mundane lesson? You get a demerit instantly
But what if I’m in the top of that class and have been an angel child since the day I was born?
Unlucky it’s probably a detention cause they expect so much more from you

Well you need to talk to the counsellor about it (non optional) and then they’ll tell the teachers who instead of tryin got help you with your mental state they come up with ways to make it not impact school, (ps school is the reason you’re depressed)

In short, teachers care more abo attendance, code of conduct, power, and forced respect more than a students wellbeing and financial position *I forgot to mention that one time I got in trouble for not having a calculator cause my dad wouldn’t pay child support on time and we couldn’t afford it, (I’m on a full scholarship)

Not to also mention that the school tries to put a Christian perspective on everything. Sex? Well it’s forbidden Ofc! Here’s the bare minimum for the sexual education curriculum! Drugs? Haven’t learnt about them since I was in year 3 when they told us things like “dont eat the medicine in your medicine cabinet!” Or “make sure mummy or daddy always give you your medicine don’t take it yourself!” That’s the education I have in drugs I know nothing about the dangers and effects of drugs in a social, physical, emotional, and intellectual context.

In senior school, you have to learn about ethics and morals for Christian studies. The whole time we learnt about this we were told an overarching message that “we don’t get to decide what’s right and wrong, god does” but no one’s Christian here just the teachers. So why do we have to be told to follow the ethical principals of a book we don’t trust.

That doesn’t really matter none of that does, but the one thing that makes me really hate Sgcs is the lack of individuality each student has. Whilst i understand that it is hard to treat everyone as an individual when there’s hundreds of us. We are treated like objects. It was 6 degrees yesterday! Instead of letting us stay in a warm room, we are told to suck it up and deal with it. It is a waste of resources putting heaters in a room and not using them.

We are constantly told to just try harder and apply yourself more, No excuse is good enough. A kid the year below me got in trouble for not paying attention in an assembly, when he lets the teacher know that he has severe adhd and is on the highest Ritalin dose available, the teacher basically said that it isn’t an excuse and he should be paying attention. All because he didn’t need take it that one day. If I remember correct he got a detention for that.

However I will give it to the teachers, atm I love most of mine it’s just a few extra cunty ones. Most of them teach amazingly, I can understand concepts incredibly fast with just a few minutes one on one with them. They just have a bit of a control issue and wanting to have authority/power over students

We don’t have a canteen btw only a cafe that year 12 can use. If you forget food at school tough luck starve.

Though one time this kid in my year used to go home sick all the time (keep in mind this was in year 3, we are now in yr 11) but anyways one time my friend threw up but because he used to try trick the staff to go home early because he had just moved schools, and hated the change I guess. He missed his friends and hated the change so he’d fake sick to go home early. Now (8 years later) when he threw up at school, they basically said “ok well I’ll check your temp and give you some Panadol” it came back as slightly above a healthy temp so the nurse decided he’ll be fine gave him Panadol and went back to class absolutely disguisting

Outdoor break spaces are tiny and cramped, with people sitting on hard concrete stairs, hallway floors, in circles on dirty unwashed basketball courts on the floor. There are a total of two tables for people to sit at during lunch and recess, these both are tiny and do not promote social inclusivity at all, with people standing around them barely being able to join in on a conversation.
People with disabilities are not accommodated for, if you are in a wheelchair there is only one entrance to the senior school, you need to go up a ramp and then through to a lift and up to the library and then across through all of jr school and then down and then around the side of jr school then up a ramp and then across the whole school and then up a lift at the terrace building just to get from outside the school to a terrace classroom. And you’d think cause the terrace is new it’d be accessible? Well no it isn’t.

People with social anxiety are not accounted for putting them in very tough situations like choosing a partner. It sure feels great for them when they already struggle socially and then they’re the last person without a partner. It makes them feel so good about themselves I bet.
70 Bellevue Parade , 2218, Hurstville
James Honor
02 9547 2311

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