
Based on 3 reviews and 27 answers
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May 13, 2024


The school is bad the teachers expect you to already know everything teachers bad they get pissed if your clothing is slightly wrong food could be worse
Feb 1, 2023

svacs is shit

literally the shittiest school. i’m a student there and want to leave SO bad. Most teachers are terrible at teaching, lazy, and don’t engage with students. This school is extremely strict and will yell at you for even the slightest uniform mess up. no socks? after school detention. wrong earrings? after school detention. accidentally 2 minutes late to class even if it wasn’t your fault? AFTER SCHOOL DETENTION, also it is CRAZY how this school doesn’t even let you wear sport for even one day during the week. you have to come to school in formal then change, after sport you have to change back again and by then you’ve just waisted 15 mins of your sport lesion and its extremely annoying and uncomfortable to carry your sport uniform around especially for kids who have to walk a long way to school. it’s ridiculous schools shouldn’t be THIS worried about school uniform i feel like they care about it more than actually teaching the students. Most teachers at this school are absolutely BAD and just hand you a piece of paper and then expect you to know and do the work and yes you can ask for help but how about you actually talk to us and explain not just hand paper in front of us. for students like me i don’t learn unless i actually engage with people. Another thing with this school is the actual layout of the school. Every class is so far away from other classes. for example it’ll im in math in the double story building and i have english next, it will literally be on the OTHER side of the school and it’s a hassle to get there and people are usually late which causes an after school detention. Also with the layout this school is literally dead. there are no trees, and even if there was they literally cut them down all the time and not only that the trees are not even native and the school has no greenery apart from the grass. Last thing is the principle. She is probably the most stuck up bitch, she doesn’t listening to students suggestions and only does what she wants. she always holds assembly’s for things that are completely irrelevant and a waste of time!! and talks about the most random shit. for example she will go on and on for about 20 minutes each assembly about a bird in her backyard that no one gives af about. she honestly needs to leave and never come back. There is much more but i can’t finish because i’m on the shitty school bus that’s always LITERALLY 30 minutes late on my way to school. i hope people/parents read this and don’t send you students to this school. FUCK SVACS!!!!
Former Student
Jan 31, 2023

Fairly bad.

Not bad, but not good either. Gets really awful sometimes as all tests and assessments are due in the same week. Teachers and other staff don't care at all about your mental health or learning. They are more worried about whether you have the right socks on then dealing with racism and bullying. Several kids leave every year due to bad students and mean teachers. Uniform is very expensive and uncomfortable. There are compulsory assemblys at the end of every term on the last day, where all students sit in a hot, humid gym for 2 hours. I wouldn't be complaining, but the last day of term? Really? There are not many elective or Atar subjects to take and staff pressure you way to much for exams. Only a few teachers make this school a 2 star, but without them it would be a 0.
Swanleigh Parade, 6069, Aveley
Jason Bartell
08 9297 9506

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