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Jun 11, 2023

A review of different aspects at TKS

So aspects for different subjects/ co-curricular:

English: The department is pretty good, there has been a consistent improvement in band 6 count for hsc etc. Their resources are great.
Overall happy with this subject. Teachers are a mixed bag, some are good some are bad (none horrible).

Maths: Hands down the strongest department in the school. The teachers are amazing (though there are a few mediocre ones). They have a great resource base.

Science: WORST DEPARTMENT. Almost all the science teachers here have only teaching degrees with no relevant degree to their subject, the ones that do are usually pretty bad still. It's gotten so bad that the school has started to call in a tutoring company "Zhangs" to do fortnightly lessons with us. We have seen a continual slide in band 6s since 2018 (~30/70 got B6 for phys and chem in 2018 compared to ~9/70 in 2022). If you don't do tutoring you will probably fall behind.

PE: Don't know much about this but it seems like a decent department

Industrial/ VET/ Engineering studies:
Great department, the teachers really work hard to help students. There are alot of great hsc major works that come out of this department

Great department. Though I don't know too much about it

Same as art

Same as art


Cadets/ duke of ed:
Great co-curricular, very enjoyable activities etc and good leadership building. However when leadership is selected the process is a bit corrupted... not bad overall though.

Absolutely amazing there's a pretty wide variety of sport. It's compulsory 3 times a week 2 days of training and 1 comp day with other GPS schools.

There are HEAPS of clubs here. Computer club, debating, science club, choir - you name it it'd probably be a thing here.

Other things:

There is a compulsory fee for the dining hall ($7 a day I think for lunch) students all go down to the dining hall to eat lunch. Sometimes it's got good meals sometimes it's horrendous. For dietary it 90% of the time poorly cooked/ a bad meal.

Teacher/ staff:
Some staff are genuinely helpful and try their hardest to make it a great environment. Others however just have power trips with useless leadership roles (there's about a dozen of these random roles generated a year such as director of character). These teachers can make students lives less enjoyable.

Behaviour of students:
Bullying is a small yet existing issue here (significantly less than other schools). You can leave your bag wide open in the middle of the school and your belonging will be safe. Stealing and theft RARELY occurs, and even if it does, it's tracked down quickly.

Digital learning/ laptop:
The school seems to love placing restrictions on students on how they use their laptop. So much so that they can't even download educational software that isn't listed on their "self service" app. It is compulsory to enrol in the macbook program which is ~$4000.
87 - 129 Pennant Hills Road, 2151, North Parramatta
Tony George
02 9683 8555

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